Smart Woman: Video Games for Women

The Guildhall is nicely profiled.

By Lane Stone

Gaming isn't just for guys anymore. New game-changing research shows women are just as interested in playing video games as men are. Until this point, marketing has just been aimed toward guys. Some women say they want to change that.

Grace Blessey already has a law degree. But now, at the age of 28, Grace wants to become a video game designer through SMU's Guildhall.

"I always liked video games. But at some point I realized I really just wanted to do something more creative like truly artistic," said Blessey

From her perspective, what women want from a video game is the mental challenge.

"Ultimately what it is - it's like the hand eye coordination challenge that people like. It's like pointing, can I get it while it's moving fast and shoot it," said Blessey.

It's one of the things Elizabeth Stringer, Blessey's professor, likes about video games. ...